Monday, September 10, 2012

Hassan's eportfolio

On this course I learned how to do prezzi and how to present it infront of my friends.Also, I learned how to do a survey by using survey monkey and present it.One more thing that I learned how to do blogger and send the links to the instructor.

First of all, I learned to do prezzi. My first prezzi was about my friend Hammed. I learned how to uppload pictures and write on it. My secound prezzi was about Earth day. I learned to write Motto, uppload lots of pictures and how to uppload a video.

Secoundly, I learned how to do survey by surveymonkey. I did a survey about military life and Naval college. I asked the the student about military life ,  the studies in Naval college and if they dreamed to be an officer in future.

Thirdly, I learned how to do blogger. My first blogger was about what I have learned from English class and what I have learned from the instructors. I did many post incloding this one.